Manurewa Tennis Club originated in 1909 and is located at 31R Russell Road Manurewa 2102, the heart of South Auckland. 

The club originated at Manurewa Central School. The land was made available in Hall Road (now Halver Road) by estate owner Percy Neild. He donated some of his property to the local sporting groups: bowls, croquet and tennis. The first pavilion was a tent and later on, willing workers built a corrugated iron shelter.

In 1964 the Manukau City Council and Manurewa Council combined and since the council required the land they relocated the sporting groups. The tennis club shifted to the corner of Weymouth Road and Selwyn Avenue on the 16th September 1964 and paid $100 removal costs for the building which had no power or water.

In 1973 Southmall was sold for redevelopment so the Manukau City Council made land available on the Clendon Estate on Russell Road. Tenders were called for purchasing and removal of the old building. Manukau City Council laid six asphalt courts. The opening day was the 23rd September 1973.

In 1974 quotes were called for to build a clubhouse and the club was eventually built for a little over $10,000. Tennis Auckland and Manukau City Council funded 50% and the club repaid the remaining 50% of a loan from Manukau City Council over the next 15 years, interest-free. The same year the club became an incorporated society. At that stage, the facility was shared with Manurewa Netball. In 1976 the Common Seal was purchased.

In 1988 the Council resurfaced the courts and fixed drainage issues that were damaging the courts. At the same time, floodlights were installed, funded by the club. Although the courts were still hampered with surface irregularities for the next four years the players continued to use them. The club decided to resurface the courts with Plexipave in 1992 which, again, the club funded with the support of Manukau City Council with a small interest-free loan. Again in 1999 courts 4, 5 and 6 again were upgraded along with the clubhouse with all the works being completed in November 2000. An official opening ceremony was held on the 26th November 2000.

In 2008 in preparation for the club's centenary, the courts received a resurface along with court perimeter and clubhouse fencing.